[IPython-dev] ConnectionRefusedError when trying to start ipengines

Anand Patil anand.prabhakar.patil at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 16:39:42 EST 2008

On Jan 10, 2008 1:21 PM, Anand Patil <anand.prabhakar.patil at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Has anyone seen an error like this when trying to start an ipengine?
> Possibly useful information: I have denyhosts running but can ssh to my own
> machine without getting blocked.
> Thanks,
> Anand Patil
> anand$ ipengine
> 2008/01/10 14:15 -0700 [-] Log opened.
> 2008/01/10 14:15 -0700 [-] Starting factory <
> ipython1.kernel.enginepb.PBEngineClientFactory object at 0x13c3350>
> 2008/01/10 14:15 -0700 [Uninitialized] Unhandled Error
>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>         Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionRefusedError: Connection
> was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.
> 2008/01/10 14:15 -0700 [Uninitialized] Stopping factory <
> ipython1.kernel.enginepb.PBEngineClientFactory object at 0x13c3350>
> < I push ctrl-C>
> 2008/01/10 14:20 -0700 [-] Received SIGINT, shutting down.
> 2008/01/10 14:20 -0700 [-] Main loop terminated.

Another note: I can run ipcluster and use the resulting engines without
problems. The reason I want to get ipengine working is so that I can use
mpi4py, since I'm passing large arrays around.

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