[IPython-dev] Launchpad?

Glenn Tarbox, PhD glenn at tarbox.org
Sat Feb 9 13:58:08 EST 2008

All works for me.  Didn't mean to be perceived as a troll... This was an
"opinion" thread and I have one.  Might even be wrong... who knows.  And
change can be made later... just easier to pick correctly and deliberately
early on... and technical isn't the only thing that matters at some

I use bzr, svn, and git.... can't imagine that throwing hg into the mix will
kill me. (more syntax... ugh :-)

But IMHO (focus on O), this is a small group of developers with big plans...
and IPython is magic and IPython1 can be truly revolutionary if successful
and gets momentum... the key is momentum.... too much work, too little time.

And I have no problem with Launchpad other than concerns about where they're
headed (btw, I'm pretty heavily Ubuntu so I'm definitely no Canonical
basher... far from it).  But, its a commercial venture (hurray for success)
and already making noise about being closed source on key activities (e.g.
Lighthouse)... Unless I'm missing something, Ubuntu isn't a heavy Lauchpad
user, they are Launchpad.  So, of course, this is open source and nobody
gets locked in... and change can always occur... but who has the time...

so, I've put in my $.02... I'd like to participate regardless of which
direction is chosen.

I have a patch I'll put together which integrates twisted with IPython
without polling... a slight hack starting with the ASPN code from way back.
There might be a much better approach given IPython1's direction but the
ASPN 1000hz polling loop didn't seem the way to go and I'm not sure I get
where IPython1 is yet.  I'll clean it up and send it in for opinions.


Glenn H. Tarbox, PhD
glenn at tarbox.org

On 2/9/08, Ondrej Certik <ondrej at certik.cz> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2008 1:08 PM, Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Pardon me, but you almost sound like a troll :->.
> >
> > Let me tell you why git is totally out of question. It works terribly
> > poorly under windows. Up to recently it did not work at all under
> > windows. Now it requires cygwin, and is terribly poorly integrated with
> > the system.
> >
> >
> > About Canonical reinventing the wheel with bzr. Well there might be more
> > than one solution to one problem. Git, hg and bzr have all had their
> pros
> > and their cons. The DVCS is a young field, and different players have
> > tried different solutions. Currently the difference between hg and bzr
> is
> > leveling off, as bzr is focusing on performance, and hg is focusing on
> > merge. Anyhow, I don't want to go in another endless hg vs bzr
> discussion
> > (I don't mention git for the reasons given above). Bzr works very well
> > under windows, as one of its main developpers runs windows. I have
> > seen hg successfully used under windows. I have used both, and I know
> > both get the work done.
> >
> > I favor doing whatever gets the work done the easiest. It happens that
> > launchpad is a very convenient (though not perfect) web platform. I use
> > it for other projects, and I have been pleased not only by the current
> > features, but also by the features they keep adding. These guys listen
> to
> > their users. Moreover, I want to stress that a choice taken now can be
> > revoked later. What matters is getting the work done!
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> You are right.
> Ondrej
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