[IPython-dev] Generic design for an IPython servers that talks to editors (TextMate, vi, emacs)

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 20:29:45 EST 2008

> This sounds really good. Do you think a twisted-based client library
> would be a good idea too?

Not sure?  Are you writing the client in Python too?  What event loop
is present?

> Also, as something of an aside, will it be possible to add executed
> lines/files to IPython's history?

Can you ask this as a separate question on IPython-dev to Ville sees this?

> I've got a feeling this would involve modifying ipapi.runlines but
> I've no idea where to start.

Ville would know how to do this.  Unfortunately I probably won't get
back to this until the week after next.


> Cheers,
> Matt
> --
> Matt Foster | http://hackerific.net

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