[IPython-dev] 0.9 beta, anything left?

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 20:53:56 EDT 2008

> foo --option1 --option2 --freeformarguments
> because the option parsing machineries (getopt, optparse, whatever) as
> far as I know them, always expect to know the list of valid options in
> advance. This is why I don't want this hybrid mode, 'cd is special'
> case where -- means two different things.

Ahh, yes, this does introduce a sort of messyness in the double
interpretation of "--".  Also, now that I think about it, "cd --foo"
would usually have the interpretation "cd to my home dir and do it in
the foo'y way"

That is, "--" options are typically optional modifiers, drawn from a
pre-specified list of options.  The usage "cd --foo" is pretty odd in
this light.


> Any suggestions for alternatives?
> Cheers,
> f
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