[IPython-dev] igrid

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Tue Mar 20 04:30:02 EDT 2007

Fernando Perez wrote:

> On 3/19/07, Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> wrote:
>> OK, with wx 2.6 I can reproduce the problem.
>> Can you try r2161? For me this delays the problem until you open
>> multiple igrid browser and close one of them.
> Much, much better.
> Q: why does it only show the first 40 directories if I do ils ?  I
> don't see a way to list anything after that, so doing ils on $HOME is
> kind of useless in my case :)

It only fetches enough directory entries to fill one screen. If you want 
to see more you have to scroll down, i.e. putting the cursor in the last 
row fetches more.

>> One solution might be to only allow one igrid browser. The other would
>> probably be that all igrid browsers are frames in only one wx 
>> application.
> I'll leave that decision up to you.  As long as we ship something that
> works correctly with wx 2.6 (which is what most distros still have
> officially), I trust you on the implementation choices.

The second variant would be the better choice of course.

Nik is currently preparing for exams, so he doesn't have much time. I'll 
see what I can do.


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