[IPython-dev] pyreadline vi mode fix

Michael Graz mg.graz at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 19 12:21:33 EDT 2007

Greetings all, LTNS.  When I enable vi mode (set_mode("vi") in
~/pyreadlineconfig.ini) there is an exception and then nothing works.
However there is an easy fix in rlmain.py function parse_and_bind.


    except AttributeError:
        log('unknown func key="%s" func="%s"' % (key, func_name))
        print 'unknown function to bind: "%s"' % func_name
    self.mode._bind_key (key, func)


    except AttributeError:
        log('unknown func key="%s" func="%s"' % (key, func_name))
        print 'unknown function to bind: "%s"' % func_name
    self.mode._bind_key(key, func)

It is simply the addition of a return call in the exception handling block.
If there is no return then "func" is an undefined variable resulting in an
exception in the statement: self.mode._bind_key(key, func)

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'func' referenced before assignment

Would someone be able to checkin this fix?  Many thanks,

(2nd attempt at mailing)
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