[IPython-dev] IPython help systems fails with 0.7.1 under windows

Vivian De Smedt vds at aisystems.be
Wed Jan 25 03:06:20 EST 2006

Dear All,

This is a bug report. I just download the last IPython version 0.7.1.

As some of you know I'm running IPython under windows and it seems that
that the help functionality of IPython is broken on my station.

the following code:

    import os
    os ?

lead to a huge stack print that end with:

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\iplib.py in
_prefilter(self, line, continue_prompt
   1848             handler = self.esc_handlers.get(iFun[0:1])
   1849         if handler is not None:
-> 1850             return handler(line,continue_prompt,pre,iFun,theRest)
   1851         # Emacs ipython-mode tags certain input lines
   1852         if line.endswith('# PYTHON-MODE'):

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\iplib.py in
handle_help(self, line, continue_promp
t, pre, iFun, theRest)
   2070             self.log('#?'+line)
   2071             if line:
-> 2072                 self.magic_pinfo(line)
   2073             else:
   2074                 page(self.usage,screen_lines=self.rc.screen_length)

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\Magic.py in
magic_pinfo(self, parameter_s)
    674             self.magic_psearch(oname)
    675         else:
--> 676             self._inspect('pinfo',oname,detail_level=detail_level)
    678     def magic_psearch(self, parameter_s=''):

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\Magic.py in
_inspect(self, meth, oname, **kw)
    609                 pmethod(info.obj,oname,formatter)
    610             elif meth == 'pinfo':
--> 611                 pmethod(info.obj,oname,formatter,info,**kw)
    612             else:
    613                 pmethod(info.obj,oname)

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\OInspect.py in
pinfo(self, obj, oname, formatter,
info, detail_level)
    417         output = out.getvalue()
    418         if output:
--> 419             page(output)
    420         # end pinfo

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\genutils.py in
page(strng, start, screen_lines, pa
   1363     if os.name == "nt":
-> 1364         screen_lines_def = get_console_size(defaulty=25)[1]
   1365     else:
   1366         screen_lines_def = 25 # default value if we can't

C:\Documents and
Settings\vds.AISYSTEMS\Desktop\ipython-0.7.1\IPython\winconsole.py in
get_console_size(defaultx, defaul
     34     h = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11)
---> 35     csbi = ctypes.create_string_buffer(22)
     36     res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'create_string_buffer'


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