[IPython-dev] Issue with upgrading from 0.6.15 to 0.7.0 via easy_install

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 12 13:22:17 EST 2006

Ville Vainio wrote:
> On 1/12/06, Fernando Perez <Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu> wrote:
>>No worries: if users find them useful, I'll swallow my pride and impatience
>>and deal with them.  And if I don't want to, Robert will kindly convince me to :)
> I'm also more than willing to deal with eggs and easy-install, I would
> even like to see the ability to add extensions/plugins to ipython via
> eggs some day. Imagine the pleasure of saying to someone that they
> just need to do
> % easy_install ipython-pipe-filters
> and start using the extension immediately (possibly without editing
> any config files). Using a browser, sourceforge, unzipper etc. to get
> stuff seems rather "unprofessional" in comparison. cpan was a great
> booster for perl, easy_install, cheeseshop and eggs is about to do the
> same to python.

See? There's nothing to worry.  Between Robert's infinite patience with my 
antisocial tendencies, and Ville's help, not only will we have good egg 
support but I may even learn a thing or two and reform my character in the 
process :)

So eggs will stay.  For 0.7.1, I'll even make an omelette :)



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