[Inpycon] Sponsorship & Tickets sales are live + Additional updates

Sanchit Balchandani balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 00:29:16 EDT 2023

Hi All

Just a quick update and wanted to express my gratitude to everyone for the
support shown. We were able to sell all 250 early bird tickets within 12
hours of opening ticket sales and In fact, we managed to sell a total of
293 tickets on the very first day! This incredible response truly reflects
the immense anticipation within our community for PyCon India 2023.

While the early birds have been fully sold out, we have regular tickets[0]
available for grabs.

Thank you once again for your continuous support.

[0] - https://konfhub.com/pyconindia2023#tickets

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