[Inpycon] PyCon India 2021 regular tickets are live!

Yuktesh Chintamadaka1 ychinmka at in.ibm.com
Thu May 13 01:34:53 EDT 2021


I am Yuktesh I work for IBM from Hyderabad. In am active member in Python 
I was part of Pycon India Conf 2018, 2019 and 2020.
I managed to get some some sponsorship when it happened in  2018 at 
Hyderabad also delivered lighting talks for  both National edition and 
Hyderabad city edition.

My question is I want to subscribe to mailing list using my gmail id 
(yukteshc at gmail.com) currently I am receiving emails to my IBM ID 
(ychinmka at in.ibm.com)
I tried joining to the mailing list using my gmail id multiple times but 
some how I am not sure why still I am not able see any emails coming from 
this community to my gmail id.
If any administrators are there her who can help on this.
Thanks in advance


C Yuktesh
Developer Advocate
Developer Ecosystem Group
IBM India Pvt Ltd
Ground Floor, 3A Building
MindSpace, Hyderabad - 500085

80084 32121
ychinmka at in.ibm.com
Twitter : @yukteshc

From:   Chandan Kumar <raukadah at gmail.com>
To:     Mailing list for the PyCon India conference <inpycon at python.org>
Date:   13/05/2021 10:53 AM
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] [Inpycon] PyCon India 2021 regular tickets are 
Sent by:        "Inpycon" <inpycon-bounces+ychinmka=in.ibm.com at python.org>

Hello Everyone,

PyCon India 2021 tickets are live.[0]
Early bird tickets are sold out! The sale of Regular tickets is open now.

To make the event inclusive and accessible to all, we have kept the
ticket prices to a bare minimum. You can read more about our ticket
structure in our blog. [1]

For any queries, we are happy to help out. Feel free to reach out to
us on Zulip. [2]

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Tweet Link: 





Chandan Kumar

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