[Inpycon] pycon pre-conference event - Python for kids - PyKids

Atul UDUPI atuludupi at live.com
Fri Jul 26 11:46:28 EDT 2019

Dear Team,

 I am proposing to include python programming activities for kids as  part of PyCon India 2019.  This will be a pre-conference event spread across August, September october.

Please note my proposal below:

1. Target to train around 1800 kids from 6 states
2. Cover 5 states - Kar, TS, TN, AP, KE, MH  - additional support required
3. We will make use of Schools or college computer labs  for these session.
4. This will be a 1 day session covering basic fundamental workshop  and enable them to kickstart their python programming abilities.
5. This will be a non-commercial workshops
6. certificates will be issued to all kids
7. target group 7th to 12th grade kids from private, state & central govt schools  - comments welcome
8. Require Python mentors group support to deliver workshops at various location. - python community support required.

Let me know your thoughts and your input for further planning.


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