[Inpycon] Chat platform-Zulip for Pycon

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Wed Jul 17 23:19:52 EDT 2019

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the inputs. The concerns raised are listed below.

1. The limit on the search history.

2. To use / or not to use previous year's channels.

And here is our take on this.

For the first problem, Zulip has agreed to drop the limits for PyCon 
India organization.

For the second problem, as pointed by previous years organizers, Discord 
is not preferrable, so we wouldn't want to go with it. That leaves us 
between Slack and Zulip. Given that Zulip is opensource (including the 
mobile app), and there are no limits imposed (Slack has a search history 
limitation), and there is a possibility of self-hosting (with data 
migration) in the future, we think that Zulip is a better choice in the 
long run.


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