[Inpycon] Need Inputs

Ananyo Maiti ananyoevo at gmail.com
Thu May 3 00:19:26 EDT 2018

On Thu 3 May, 2018, 1:15 AM Sanchit Balchandani, <
balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> During the last Social Media work-group meet we discussed an idea of doing
> a live stream(YouTube) of first and last keynotes of PyCon India 2018,
> considering that it is the 10th Anniversary of the event.
> We can do this as a gesture of 10th Anniversary celebration and let people
> to be a part of the event if they can't attend the event physically.
> It would be great to know what community thinks about this?
> Thanks,
> Sanchit

It's a great idea in my opinion. Good for people who won't be able to
attend physically.

- Ananyo

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