[Inpycon] Sponsorship workgroup Meeting minutes | 20180417

Chirag Choudhary chirag200666 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 04:32:37 EDT 2018

Hello Everybody

The first sponsorship workgroup meeting started on Tuesday, April 17th.
Attendees: Mani, Sree, Peeyush, Chirag

Below are the important changes proposed by the workgroup:


   Replacement of associate sponsor with a Startup sponsorship with the
   following changes:

      Reduce no of free tickets to 3

      Having a price of 25k

      Startup Visibility options:

         Giving a small stall for half a day

         Lightning talk like startup talks session with each startup
         getting, say 3-5 minutes.
         - Startup definition: The company should be registered less than 3
      years ago with not more than 10 employees.


   Silver category to also have a startup discount of 50%

   Having a community champion/donor ticket with a cost of 7.5k with access
   to workshop & conference

The workgroupWorkgroup is expectingthe last set of major changes in the
brochure fromthe discussion on the above items, which is expected to close
in the next few days. Here is the brochure for reference:

Looking forward to your valuable inputs.


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