[Inpycon] Fwd: Reg PyCon India 2018

Divya Sanghi divyasanghi145 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 13:30:53 EDT 2018

Hi Vanitha

Hope you are doing fine and we really appreciate your time and effort.

We have seen your response to Chirag mail and he has explained on those
terms. We will be putting again a mail explaining more on sponsorship
brouchers and related information but before that , I want to understand
that everyone is working hard towards making this a successful event with
open discussions. Workgroup/volunteer creation is to divide work and solve
it effectively without rushand confusion

Communication plays a very important role to depict your enthusiasm towards
solving challenges or criticizing others.

As with respect to Mani, since I have worked with him in PyConf, I think I
can correct your viewpoint . Being a chair, its not about having authority
or power, its more about have more responsibility than everyone. He is a
person who keeps community above all and have practiced same in PyConf Hyd
also to keep it great for community as a whole. He is not shutting anyone
and being answerable in all possible situations
He has answered you with full respect and always welcome everyone for

We hope to see you here so that you can yourself understand his/our/PyCon
community "style of working and execution" and can help to make this a
great event !!!

Divya Sanghi
PyCon India 2018

On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 9:21 PM, Vanitha Shanmugam <vani.pree at gmail.com>

> Hi Mani,
> On 14 April 2018 at 23:59, E Manivannan <elangovan.manivannan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Vanitha,
>> We have put out the facts and as you might have noticed communication has
>> always been done on mailing list - now & previously as well.
> Please refer my response to Chirag where I have explained my concern in
> detail.
>> Team has been working hard on a tight schedule and we expect timely
>> response to help us take decisions at the right time. Going forward, there
>> could be more challenges & difficult situations and we expect the community
>> to support us to overcome and not act hostile.
> Timely response comes with starting the discussion on time in mailing
> list. I understand there is a tight schedule which is always the case with
> PyCon India, and that has to be sorted out with dividing the
> responsibilities among people not by avoiding the discussion in mailing
> list.
> So am acting hostile just because am questioning your style of working?
> IMO, you don't seem to be understanding how community works and you are
> shutting everybody who questions which you have done it multiple times with
> different set of people already. Being a chair of PyCon India 2018, you
> might have to reconsider your attitude towards community.
> Thanks,
> Vanitha
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