[Inpycon] Procedure to Transfer your PyCon India Ticket

Ayush Agarwal thisisayushaa at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 00:47:41 EDT 2017

If you or a friend of yours want to transfer their PyCon India Ticket or get a
ticket transferred.

Fill up the form at http://bit.ly/pyind17transferform

Your entry will be added to http://bit.ly/pyind17transfersheet

If you are contacted by anyone, visit
https://www.explara.com/manage-tickets and
fill the email id used at the time of booking and submit. Click on Transfer
Ticket and follow the instructions to fill new attendee details.

After ticket is transferred, edit your form response and set status to
'Resolved' through the 'Edit Response' link sent to your email.

For people looking to get a ticket transferred to them, you may want to
keep an eye on the sheet regularly.

Ayush Agarwal
ayush at theletsream.com | theletstream.com
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