[Inpycon] Updates from PyCon India 2017 Social Media Volunteer Team

Shashank Kumar abc at shanky.xyz
Fri Jul 7 07:46:20 EDT 2017

Hello folks

Here are some updates from the social media volunteer team of PyCon 
India 2017.

* In addition to regular posts on social media, fixes calendar days are 
to be decided on which the post must go out.
* We need future posts explaining the concepts of Open Spaces, Dev 
Sprints and other conference related activities.
* A post for 'Call For Sponsors' to be made.
* All the links related to PyCon India should be linked to a bitly url 
for better analytics.

If you have ideas and you want to help social media volunteer team 
please fill the volunteer form [1] and join our Telegram Group [2].

[1] Volunteer Form - https://bit.ly/inpycon2017
[2] Social Media Volunteer Group - http://bit.ly/inpycon2017socialmedia

Shashank Kumar
(PyCon India 2017 Volunteer)

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