[Inpycon] Photographers at PyCon India 2016

Saurabh Kumar thes.kumar at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 10:59:25 EDT 2016

On 21/09/16 7:12 PM, Saurabh Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Any one planning to carry the camera (not mobile camera) for PyCon?
> Every year Kushal takes snaps. It would be nice if we can collate the
> photographs and use it in our blog posts etc...
> You can share the photos finally to us from flickr or google plus. We
> will credit the photographers if we use it in blog post.

The photographs from voluteers, participants and other are available at:


Now, is the time you can reply with link to your collection or request
access to add photographs to above url by replying to this thread with
your google plus email id. (-:

PS: Thanks everyone for making PyCon India 2016 so colorful and vibrant.
Only memories left to cheer and celebrate now ;)

Until next time!

Saurabh Kumar

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