[Inpycon] Call for volunteers for speaker assistance

Sanyam Khurana sanyam.khurana01 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 06:55:22 EDT 2016


> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXTKMkYTXW6wNZaMW0UsW8XZDUnQlMbe8TZNOm-sZh7uT9_Q/viewform?entry.2005620554=Mudit+Sharma&entry.1045781291=mudithkr@gmail.com&entry.1166974658=8239210295

You don't need to post this link. You just need to submit the form and
someone from Team PyCon India would get in touch with you.

Github: CuriousLearner

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