[Inpycon] [PyCon India 2015] CFP status

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Mon Jun 22 07:19:03 CEST 2015

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On Monday 22 June 2015 10:39 AM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> On 2015-06-22 10:26, Anand Chitipothu wrote: [..]
>> Quoting the "PyCon India 2015 Reviewers Guidelines":
>> - Reviewers will be judging the proposal based on content rather
>> than popularity of the speaker. - Reviewers shouldn't
>> discriminate proposers based on previous experience like first
>> timers aren't allowed.

With the caveat that I haven't read the document, possibly it means
just to reduce the bias favoring regular speakers.

>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1shJEldTgVIytP6lGI3J4BQtT7pS-cbP-f
> This has to be made consistent. Either the document should be
> updated or the stand changed. The talk selection is an important
> part of the event and something that we can improve on. It should
> be as transparent as possible. I'm very much in favour of a set of
> guidelines that everyone acts by and uses to select talks but only
> if people adhere to it. Otherwise, it's will do more damage than
> good.
> As a personal opinion, I think speaker history is exceedingly
> important in selecting a talk. Someone with a lot of experience in
> speaking and whose talks are well received is, in my opinion, a
> much better candidate than a first time speaker with a nice set of
> slides. This is however, as I've said, a personal opinion.

It is also the question of how does one get experience unless one gets
exposure ? A kind of chicken-egg problem.

While giving weight to speaking experience, also allow new speakers a

Can be done by the policy of giving the history of the speaker some
weight when reviewing his proposal while allowing space for new
speakers in the list of overall proposals.

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- -- 

- --Anand

- ----------------------------
Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org

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