[Inpycon] Video Management in PyCon India 2015

Kiran Jonnalagadda jace at pobox.com
Thu Feb 19 12:24:30 CET 2015

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 4:08 PM, vijay kumar <vnbang2003 at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) Out source and be relaxed and concentrate on other important Task.
>       - There can be problem of mixer but not blocker.
>          we can discuss with them and see if they can get two camera per
> Audi  to capture Speaker and Slides and later on mix and give it to us.

Vijay, you should also consider the outsourced party's expertise. Pointing
a camera at the screen will get you washed out colours. They need to
capture video direct from the presenter's laptop to get good quality. Do
these people know how to do that?

In my experience, most camera crews only know how to point a camera
somewhere and press the record button. You can do this with a single
volunteer and a borrowed camera and get the exact same quality without
spending Rs 40,000.

So the questions are:

1. Are these people capable of maintaining the quality PyCon already has,
2. If they are, is this quality still coming at Rs 40,000 a day?

My estimate is that to get HasGeek quality you'll spend Rs 1 lakh per day.


Kiran Jonnalagadda
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