[Inpycon] Python Express - Moving Forward

Haris Ibrahim K. V. blucalvin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 05:04:42 CEST 2015

On 14 August 2015 at 01:15, vijay kumar <vnbang2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >     I came forward to clear difference hence in that case only two
>> > people
>> > will speak. Please come forward to resolve difference i will step back.
>> The difference seems to be between your questions and Anand's answers.
>> If I, or anyone else on this thread, really felt that the "difference"
>> you are mentioning was so serious so as to hold back an initiative
>> like Python Express, we would have responded.
> When it's on hold it mean serious.
> Please use your email filter if you are not interested it very simple.

As I mentioned, I am interested in moving the PythonExpress initiative
forward. I believe the community is interested as well. But what we
find unhealthy here is the long discussion that is hindering any
progress. That is why I am trying to convince you that Anand C taking
the effort to move Python Express froward is more beneficial community
than it being confined to this email thread.

> PSSI has very simple process you know it better when you claimed your travel
> grant.

I would not agree the "process" I had to undergo was simple when
applied to the context of PythonExpress. But explaining that is again
simply going off in another direction.

Also, regarding the following statement you made in your last reply to Noufal:

>> He's interested in moving the project forward.
> By claiming community project as personal project.

If you look at the first email on this thread from Anand C
(https://mail.python.org/pipermail/inpycon/2015-July/009947.html), the
second option he mentioned is "Let Python Express evolve as
independent community project".

He started this new thread to sort out misunderstanding and he has
made it clear he is interested in having it as an independent
community project. I don't think he has claimed it has his personal
project here. He is just leading the project since no one else has
stepped up to do it. If you look at the replies to that email, almost
everyone voted for this.

If you are interested in the community's voice, then they have
supported this option already. None of them have taken back their
votes. So unless you have a personal agenda to overrule the
community's vote, I think you should set the differences aside and
move forward for the greater good.

I understand that you raised your opposition for the community's
benefit. However, since no one seems to involve in that discussion,
and seeing how they have already supported PythonExpress to be an
independent "community" project, I again reiterate over my point,
please set the differences aside and let's work together to take this

However, I can be proved wrong at any point if the community members
who voted for option 2 (or anyone else) at the beginning jumps in this
thread and raises their concerns.


Haris Ibrahim K. V.

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