[Inpycon] Students Day at Pycon

sankarshan foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 10:36:17 CET 2013

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Abdul Muneer <abdulmuneer at gmail.com> wrote:
> We can send notifications to schools and each school can nominate 2-3
> students (or any other fixed number), much like inviting participants for
> inter school quiz competition etc. We communicate with schools and get
> response from them. The school may notify among its students and choose
> among the interested students.

Looking at <https://us.pycon.org/2013/events/letslearnpython/> it
seems to focus on kids who are " 12 years old or over" to participate
in order to "explore how to program using Python by making games. We
will start with learning Python's simple data types, including
numbers, letters and strings, and lists. We will also explore
comparisons, if-statements, and loops. Finally, we will combined our
new knowledge by creating our own game using the PyGame library."

In terms of the hardware infrastructure - "We will provide monitors,
keyboards, and Raspberry Piswith Python + PyGame on it. For every
student, we will also give a copie of No Starch Press' Python For Kids
and Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners, an
excellent resource for young coders learning Python."

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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