[Inpycon] Minutes of the Python Month meeting

me kracekumar me at kracekumar.com
Mon Jul 29 10:57:26 CEST 2013

Inline Reply

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We had a meeting in Bangalore on Saturday (July 27) to discuss about
> Python Month and there were about 15 people have attended it.
> Minutes:
> * There was a discussion that we should put our efforts to increase the
> impart of workshops than the number of workshops that we conduct. Couple of
> suggestions that came out were:
> - coding contest
> - why stop at this month, why not continue doing this in long term
> - engage students for longer term
> - instead of doing just intro to Python workshops, build practical systems
> as part of workshops. Couple of suggestions were:
>     - simple recommendation system like amazon
>     - GUI systems
>     - blog engine
>     - web scrapping
>     - games
>     - sudoku solver
> - engage non-cs students by teaching scipy and other tools.

Create a new github repo and store the contents, examples.

> - While it is hard to find scipy and other tools for other non-cs
> students, it'll have to be done by each instructor. The suggestion was to
> have volunteers to suggest content that speakers can use.
>     - Srinivas, Ashish and Kamal (? did he?) expressed interest to
> volunteer for this
> * One suggestion to sign up more colleges is to ask people to go back to
> the college where they have studied and do a python workshop.
> * One important thing  that we should be careful about is that the
> colleges are not charging the students for this workshop. It'll be nice to
> mention that when we start taking to the college.
> * For each speaker to reuse, we need the following:
> - Intro to Python Slides. Elvis volunteered. Anand to provide bullet
> points.
> - links for further reading. Elvis volunteered
> - a blot post about how to configure x (put your favorite here) editor for
> Python. Ravi volunteered. List of editors:
>     - IDLE
>     - Notepad++
>     - Sublime text
>     - edit+
>     - pywin
>     - gvim (anand to provide config)
>     - emacs (will ask noufal for help)
We can use http://python.org.in/ blog or github repo wiki page.

> * Ashish and Prashanth volunteered to expore how good IPython is on
> windows and if we can suggest all speakers to use that.
> * Vijay suggested that it'll be useful to have a volunteer to support the
> speaker at each workshop.
> * For each workshop, we should make it clear that the following are
> prerequisites.
> - Install Python 2.7
> - Setup your editor (will share a link once it is ready)
> * Suggested things to cover in one-day workshop.
> - 5 Minute introduction to Python slides
> - Hello world (in interpreter and as script)
> - numbers, strings and assignments
> - conditional statements
> - functions & methods
> - Lists
> - For loop
> - List operations
> [Approximate break for lunch]
> - List comprehensions
> - String Operations
> - Working with Files
> - Modules
>     - time
>     - os, sys
>     - urllib
> - dictionaries
> - resources for further reading
I have sample from my previous workshop. Here is the link

> Anand
> http://anandology.com/
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