[Inpycon] Experiences from Pycon Australia and more keynote speakers

Lakshman Prasad scorpion032 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 07:54:43 CEST 2013

Hello Team,

I happened to be at Pycon AU last week and it was an amazing event.

I found that Kenneth Reitz would be interested to come to the conference
and that like all conferences he attends, his travel expenses would be
borne by his employer Heroku.

I think the case right now is similar with Alex Gaynor too, but he is
attending PyPy sprints during Pycon India dates, at London anyway and will
not be able to make it.

All it would take for us to have Kenneth is to invite him. - I think doing
that would be great and we could have it as another keynote - either as a
closing keynote, ala fifthelephant or as a continuous one on one of the

What do you think?

If he is coming, we will also have to look into whether to have Heroku as a
sponsor and whether to ask them for workshop and the sponsorship price for
the same.

Thanks and Regards,
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