[Inpycon] [PyCon 2013] Programming Challenges, Hackathons & Sprints, in Python at PyCon

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 07:29:30 CEST 2013

> Hi,
>      For the all the companies who want to do something for Pycon there
> has been a similar sounding discussion in past it will help understanding
> the Pycon mandate if you read this thread from past
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/ipss/2011-April/000208.html .

let me rinse and repeat what i said above earlier , if the organizers
still feels that conversation and the Pycon values are not compromised they
are free to go ahead and ask any of the companies to hold this for them ,
then again i and many from the community will ask the question why not let
Hasgeek organize the event as well ?

the other way out for the community or the OP who started this thread is
use existing code from a online programming judge/contes  software like
codecracker or one i have not yet seen  Amity students in Delhi have built
for the there coding events , to be hosted and completely owned run as a
community effort .

i am still neutral to both the approaches , in fact i am afraid we are
trying to do too many things at the same time , lets not ignore the fact
that at the end of the day the Show should be good , i do not mind not
having no breakfast, Lunch or Dinner . What matters to me most is meeting
people and attending the talks i like.

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