[Inpycon] Guest speakers

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 06:56:31 CEST 2013

Hello everyone,

I tried to get Shriram Krishnamurthi as guest speaker earlier, but he was
not available.

I met Lakshman Prasad at fifthelephant and he mentioned that Kenneth Reitz
might be interested to come. Lakshman met him at PyCon Australia. I think
usually Heroko pays for his travel.

I also met Erik Rose from Mozilla at fifthelephant. I asked him to check if
anyone from Mozilla would be interested to speak at PyCon India. I haven't
heard back from him yet. Again, I heard that Mozilla will pay for travel if
an employee is speaking at a conference.

Hoping to see some of these to materialize.

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