[Inpycon] Tutorials

Ankur Gupta versesane at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 09:01:02 CEST 2013

Gave a Tutorial at Pycon Singapore 2012 and here are few observations
and thoughts

a) Ask for the tutorial slides to be submitted when abstract is being
submitted. Helps get fewer and serious speakers submitting proposals,
b) Assign 2 Volunteers or those responsible for screening to have a
talk over email/phone and check/verify the credentials of those
c) Ask code and development environment, hardware/OS prerequisite
details to be submitted atleast 2-3 weeks in advance,
d) Advanced Talks saw some companies getting whole team to come and
attend when keynote speakers are giving tutorials talks thus encourage
them to speak,

Just curious How much would people pay for the tutorial talks ?. If we
don't have a flat fee how is  the fee determined.

On 4/25/13, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
> Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com> writes:
>> Hello everyone,
>> We need to roll out CFP soon. Before that we need to finalize how we are
>> planning to have tutorials.
>> Tutorials didn't work out very well last year. We had newbies submitting
>> tutorials. One tutorial speaker didn't turn up and many were not up to
>> the
>> mark.
>> One of the ideas to improve it is to have only experienced trainers give
>> these trainings and we pay these trainers for their efforts.
> Yes. Tutorials have to be specially screened. No first time tutorials
> and only people who do training. Not a first timer. They'll also need to
> submit all their material and slides upfront. This will be possible only
> if it's already ready.
> We can use our discretion for specific cases if we deem it fit but the
> general rule stands.
> A small number of good tutorials (or talks for that matter) is better
> than a large number of average/bad ones.
> Meta Refresh this time had a single track I think and from the vibes, it
> will well received.
>> Instead of keeping one flat fee for attending tutorials, we can have
>> fee for each tutorial and people will have to pay for each tutorial
>> that they want to attend. This helps in keep the number of attendees
>> in each training in control and we can plan the logistics better.
>> I suggest keep Rs. 1500 for each training, limit each training to 30
>> people and pay about half of that amount to trainer.
> 30 is kind of high for a tutorial. I suggest dropping it to 20.
> [...]
> --
> Cordially,
> Noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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