[Inpycon] Internet connectivity

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Sun Sep 16 04:57:18 CEST 2012

Hello everyone,

I've been trying to get a high speed BSNL line at the conference venue for
internet connectivity. I was asking them for a 50MBPS line, but they said
that they can only give a 100MBPS line, which costs about 85K. Apart from
that we'll have to pay another 30K for cable cost. A total of 1.2 Lakhs

HasGeek is already offering us their 4MBPS airtel connection. We tried to
upgrade it to 8/16 MBPS but it turned out that it is not feasible.

I might be possible to live with 4MBPS line, but if that fails, we'll be
completely in trouble. But paying 1.2Lakhs for  internet looks a bit too

What do you guys think?

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