[Inpycon] Possible dates - Bangalore

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 11:34:24 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Starting a new thread to discuss the possible dates if we decide to do
> the event in Bangalore.
> It will be nice to continue the tradition of doing the event in
> September. Since we are very late already very late, my suggestion is
> for September 29-30.

Assume we are able to wrap up decisions (venue) and even call for
CFP by June end. That leaves < 3 months for sponsors, planning,
logistics, accessories (swags etc), talk review and the rest. I am not
confident this is enough.

It would be good to keep the tradition, but not sure that right
now we have the luxury of it.

I think we need to seriously consider dates in October as well.
And preferably towards end of October so we get close to 1 more
full month.

> We should try to avoid September 22-23 as HasGeek is conducting an
> event on that day and we need support from HasGeek (A/V and other
> stuff).
> We also need to decide whether or not to have the tutorial day. Since
> it will be on a friday, it may not be possible in the some of the
> potential venues.
> I personally think that we should have tutorial day.

We should look at this once we have a decent idea of the dates.
Also factor in the costs of running for one more day with the
(expected) limited sponsorships.

> What do others think?
> Anand
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