[Inpycon] Notes from InPyCon planning meeting of local Pune Team

Shalin Jain shalin at tenmiles.com
Tue Feb 22 13:32:26 CET 2011

If I understand tiers right - it would be different sessions (ticket type) which people can choose from - 


Student Registration - Session 1 (day 1) - 150 

Student Registration - Session 2 (day 1) - 150 

All Sessions Pass - 250 

All Session + Conference - 700 

Conference Only - 500 

Just an example. If you could give us an exact use case we can surely guide on the best way to handle it. 

Shalin Jain
Founder & CEO, Tenmiles Corporation 
W: http://tenmiles.com  |  T: http://twitter.com/shalin10

On 22-Feb-2011, at 5:50 PM, Roshan Mathews wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:54, Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com> wrote:
>  [ rearranging your mail]
>> I suggest to keep the registration process simple. Too many tiers and
>> options is difficult to manage.
> Assuming we use DoAttend again, it's not going to be difficult to
> manage.  (cc-ing Shalin at DoAttend ... can DoAttend handle tiers?)
>> What if someone registers for the tutorials by paying Rs.150 and then
>> he want to attend the regular conference? Will he pay just Rs. 100
>> extra?
> Say we have paid tutorials on Friday, say they are Rs.150 per head per
> session.  It means:
> 1. we have an exact count of how many people are interested in each session.
> 2. tutors can come with handouts, since they have some cash.
> 3. we can pay the tutors (say, 30:70, split with the conference)
> 4. we can mandate a minimum of say, 10 per session, for the tutorial
> to be conducted.
> I know, 150 per session seems crazy! ("think of the kids! the pore
> students travelling across the country to learn python!"), but 150 is
> just a number, it can be 100, or 200, or 400.  But paid tutorials
> might enable us to go beyond "Introduction to Python", "Introduction
> to Django" type talks, maybe Noufal can conduct his C-API session here
> too.
> -- 
> http://about.me/rosh

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