[Inpycon] [Pycon-india-2011] #5: This is a test of ticket creation by mail.

Dhananjay Nene pycon-india-2011 at alerts.assembla.com
Tue Feb 15 10:17:40 CET 2011

Ticket alert by Dhananjay Nene in space Pycon India 2011 ( reply ABOVE this line )


 Reporter: dnene |     Owner:           
   Status: New   |  Priority: Normal (3)
Milestone:       | Component:           
This is a test. Please ignore. This is to verify that tickets can be created
using mail.

To create a new ticket, the email id is : *
pycon-india-2011 at tickets.assembla.com*

It seems the mail sender needs to be a registered user of assembla at the
minimum for this to work.

So it is likely that the active participants / commenters may need to
register on assembla using the same email id as on the pycon mailing list,
(even if they don't explicitly join the Pycon 2011 group) for email based
integration to work.

(Sending an email from an unregistered id did not work).

blog: http://blog.dhananjaynene.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/dnene


More details at:

Assembla | Knowledge and Tools for agile teams

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