[Inpycon] [Assembla] Dhananjay Nene invites you to join the team for "Pycon India 2011"

Dhananjay Nene pycon-india-2011 at alerts.assembla.com
Tue Feb 15 09:31:48 CET 2011

Hi ,

Dhananjay Nene has created an account for you to join the team for Pycon India 2011.

Please, visit http://www.assembla.com/user/confirm_invite/ahMb6Eon4r4kSjeJe5cbCb to accept invitation
or visit http://www.assembla.com/user/reject_invite/ahMb6Eon4r4kSjeJe5cbCb to DECLINE the invitation and cancel all future reminders.

If you need more information about Pycon India 2011 or Assembla, you can contact Pycon India 2011 administrator: Dhananjay Nene - dhananjay.nene at gmail.com or visit Assembla's home page here: http://www.assembla.com/

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