[Inpycon] On the nature of discussions

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 07:21:37 CET 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Dhananjay Nene
<dhananjay.nene at gmail.com>wrote:

> I must confess being a member of this mailing list for long and having
> sensed a sense of horror and consternation when the quality of discussions
> decidedly take a negative shift. What I would request is that we set up the
> following ground rule :
> * All discussions (and especially direct attacks) must be entirely issue
> based and non-personal. *

fair enough

> Of course personal attacks should be welcomed so long as they are conducted
> directly between the mailboxes of the sender and the recipient in a route
> completely bypassing this mailing list.

this will not  work will create more confusion , let it happen right here.

This is a simple rule which in no way constrains us from having a good
> quality of discussions.

how can you say that without tasting one!!

> Every personal attack is usually based on some set of issues which could be
> assaulted directly. The benefit of going down this path is that it makes
> people less defensive and less inclined to attack back simply due to the
> personal nature of the original post.

others can ignore, yes the art is to not to get entangled by being too
personal and focus on the job on hand. you wont face the flank rather get
support try once .

> More importantly it focuses the discussion on the issues and not the
> personalities. I not only believe but am completely confident, that this
> will in no way constrain us from debating the issues that need to be
> debated, and yet make way for a much more open, receptive, and a healthy
> environment to discuss matters in. I had wanted to say this for months, but
> really wasn't a participant so did not make it a point. However now that I
> imagine I will be participating,

corporate lingo wont work ... you need to tweak your lang a bit to suite the

> I thought I would bring this up. This is entirely my individual view.

good you said that otherwise i thought you just changed list rules.

ps: hope you will be better manager after this assignment :-)
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