[Inpycon] Venue decision

kausikram krishnasayee kausikram at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 06:41:48 CET 2011

> To answer the question differently - we've had lots of large (i.e. 500+
> people) tech conferences in Pune in various venues (including non-college
> venues like Persistent Systems, and non-tech-college venues like SDLC (i.e.
> colleges that have no interest in the conference), and we've never faced a
> lack of volunteers. There are so many students in so many colleges in Pune
> who are willing to come to the venue and help out, that even if we have a
> venue with just management support and a couple of liaison people, it hasn't
> been a problem in the past. I'm talking about conferences like Proto.in (in
> Persistent), PHPCamp.net (500 to 1000 people, last 3 years, in non-tech
> colleges like SDLC)...

Though i have been bidding furiously for Chennai (and will continue to bid
so ;) ), i must admit that Pune's people are in general great  hosts.
personally i think that version of Proto.in was the best i had seen. But
then PyCon and Proto.in are complete different. Still, putting aside the
fact that i have been bidding for Chennai,
+1 Pune.
and as far as Coimbatore is concerned, i do not know the ground realities
there apart from the fact that Kenneth is there, and hence personally a +0


Kausikram Krishnasayee
Company: http://silverstripesoftware.com | Webpage: kausikram.in | Blog:
blog.kausikram.in | Twitter: http://twitter.com/kausikram | Email:
kausikram at gmail.com | Mobile: +91 9884246490
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