[Inpycon] venue

Ramdas S ramdaz at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 04:57:20 CET 2011

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 7:38 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have explained my point of view in another message on this thread - I
> am not going to repeat myself.
> On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 18:51 +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >         On Thu, Feb 10 2011, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
> >
> >
> >         [...]
> >
> >         > I would like to also point out that being obstinately
> >         repeating

Let's move forward. Either we have Open Bids from Cities/Towns etc the way
Shree(of Mahiti) suggested or this boils down to a city war, which doesn't
help anyone.

Before that, let's have a consensus that the third installment of the
conference needs to be BIGGER and BETTER, and that's what we are all
striving for.

Kenneth is all his earnest has made a pitch for Coimbatore, and we all
respect it.  He has presented it from his point of view, and many of us have
minor or major reservations against holding Pycon in Coimbatore. I believe
the points raised by Anand and some of the others are valid. But arguing
online is not going to help us.

Point is which is the alternative city if not Coimbatore? Chennai has
over-ruled itself.

While people are suggesting Pune, I have not seen a comment which inspires
confidence in organizing in Pune. Suggestions are fine, but we need 2-3
names who inspires confidence in rest of us, that they would be able to
deliver a property like Pycon. Now that exists with Coimbatore. We can all
be confident under Kenneth's stewardship we may be able to deliver in

Delhi is another place where activities have started, again no one whom we
can all trust has come forward and bid

This boils down to just Coimbatore and if Coimbatore is not accepted we need
to rethink, Bangalore.

I know most of us took a call on not doing it in Bangalore again.

Hence if the non-cosmo non-hotness factor of Coimbatore outweighs itself,
then the choice remains doing it in Bangalore, which if you remove the
reservations of not repeating it in Bangalore, is still the best city to
hold Pycon.

This finally makes it to 2 Choices

1) Hold it in Coimbatore

If Yes,
   Lets all gang up and make it great for Coimbatore

2) Go Back to Bangalore
     Let's make it the best Pycon ever, probably the last to be held in
Bangalore for next 2-3 years, unless we have situation like this again, next

Please vote for these two choices. if there's an alternative, then we need
to see a solid proposal from another city. To me, the proposal of Coimbatore
is quite good, but well the lack of HOTNESS factor, and the fact that this
may not be exactly the most accessible city is against it. And this is a

I think we have heard all arguments for and against Coimbatore. So its all
about voting +1, 0, -1 etc...
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