[Inpycon] Tutorials

॥ स्वक्ष ॥ vid at svaksha.com
Tue Apr 19 11:47:44 CEST 2011

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 02:52, Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> wrote:
> PS: Seditious thought: the PSF was able to se funding from Google to
> encourage more women to attend PyCon US. The same sentiment may get InPyCon
> some very visible sponsorship. Assuming that would help, of course.

I've been in touch with some folks since late last year but since
nothing was finalised (venue, dates, etc..) locally, I didnt have much
to go on but now that things are in place, its time to rekindle old

Steve, on that note, I would like to hear from you how PSF/pycon
utilised the funding/aid earmarked for women's FA travel, since afaik,
PSF (like IPSS) does not have a separate funding system per se. How
did you handle this and ensure that the sponsor's money was spent on
exactly what he/she donated it for. Is the FA spent annually, as in,
if there was a spillover (...unlikely, but I'm covering bases here) of
N amount, was it pooled into the next fiscal FA? I've thusfar put some
bits of the puzzle together but that's just speculation. Mind sharing
how its actually done?

vid ॥ http://svaksha.com

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