[Inpycon] PyCon India 2010 venue : MSRIT vs. RVCE

JAGANADH G jaganadhg at gmail.com
Thu May 6 09:17:05 CEST 2010

> Yes. I think end of next week should be fine.
> I've put up the points that have come up so far on a wiki page.
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyConIndia2010/VenueRequirements
> The main minus point for RV is the distance.
> and the main minus point for MSRIT is the lack of contact with a staff
> member.
> Apart from that, they both seem equal.
> Noufal

If possible put the web site address of both collges asome wiki pages etc to
our wiki.
I think Ajay pointed about some staff members name form MSRT?
 Does anybody have an active contact from BangPypers ??
If so it will be easy I think
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