[Inpycon] offline registrations

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 07:29:09 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Kinjal Ramaiya <kvramaiya at gmail.com>wrote:

> I agree with Kenneth; people would just register and not turn up for the
> event. It beats the Online Payment system.
> Can we have some schedule and places set to collect the registration
> amount? Something like from 4 PM to 6 PM a set of people would be sitting at
> the following places to collect the registration amount:
>    - Oasis Mall, koramangala (Mobile Number)
>    - College (Mobile number of the person over there)
>    - etc ...
> Do we have bandwidth for this?

Technically yes, I agree with you and Kenneth but practically no, this is a
 chance we will have to take since a good % of the people seem to prefer to
pay on the spot rather than pay online or pay offline in user groups.

The idea of collecting money in popular hang-outs looks good, but
is impossibly difficult to implement since it needs people, time
and travel. Especially in a city like Bangalore with its traffic and
recent rains, forget about organizing this efficiently. If we were a richer
conference, we could have out sourced this to a third party as
is often the case with these kind of activities. But in this case,
considering the diversity of the attendees, collecting in Bangalore
is not the solution.

My gut feeling is that a good percentage of our audience are again
college students this year, looking at the emails and the talk
submissions, and this is a group which typically prefer carrying
cash and paying on the spot with no quick access to credit cards,
debit cards etc (remember you college days ?). The other group
I am seeing coming next is the young professional with 3-5 yrs
of experience, who should be okay with the online payment,
so I do expect some online payments to happen from them.

The number of people who register should be approximately
near the number of people who come. I don't expect a situation
where 500 people register and only 100 turn up - not with
the kind of response we are getting on the CFP. There is defintely
a buzz.

> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org>wrote:
>> On Friday, July 30, 2010 09:55:50 am Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
>> > > btw, I do not see any statistics of registrations anywhere. Is there a
>> > > link? one of the effective ways of marketing is to show how many
>> > > people have registered and who all are attending.
>> >
>> > I'm don't think there is a a public page. We can extract the information
>> > from their site using a web api and put it on ours though.
>> I thought we had decided to do so
>> --
>> Regards
>> Kenneth Gonsalves
>> Senior Associate
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> --
> Kinjal Ramaiya
> Blog: kavatch.wordpress.com
> xpl0it.wordpress.com
> (M) 7795510072
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