[Inpycon] First cut of grand schedule

स्वक्ष vid at svaksha.com
Wed Apr 28 05:22:03 CEST 2010

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 17:30, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org> wrote:
> what is a sprint? it is when people who are working together on a project get
> together (either in person or on IRC or on both) for a fixed period of time and
> work non-stop to finish a fixed target (usually bugs, but could also be
> features).

Afaik, in Python, it can also be documentation, translation, writing
test cases, etc... I saw atleast two of those occuring at the atlanta
sprints with core devs taking the time out to sit down with newcomers
who wanted to contribute., discuss and help them learn the ropes.

> hence the prerequisite for a sprint is a project with sufficient number of
> developers with adequate rights to want to work together and feel that f2f
> will help things. As far as I know the total number of projects with Indian
> developers who are likely to attend the conference is zero.

I agree which is why I suggested that the local bangpypers monthly
meetups be turned into something similar to dojorio --the brazilians
have been very successful in encouraging a lot of newbies who over
time have become contributors to python (and probably other projects
too). However, instead of seeing the spirit behind the suggestions and
taking the idea forward folks are busy nitpicking about it not being a
separate thread or wrong list and other irrelevant things. That is
demotivating, for me personally, because I find its easier to
collaborate and contribute online with people who are thousands of
miles away than arguing about silly things on local lists. Time-drain.

> the other type of so-called sprint is where people assemble to write code to
> order. The miserable failure of fsck.in to produce is an example of what
> happens in that case. I know a couple of guys who did not write code for
> months as they were saving up the code to write it at the 'conference'.
> Whether they actually wrote it is anybody's guess. No, writing code for show
> or on order is a non-starter.


> lurking on the django-dev list I have seen sprints being planned for pycon and
> for djangocon - but they have been planned and executed because at times it is
> nice to have a f2f to clear up things that get confused on mailing lists and

Yup, and its also heartening to see the patience and humility that
these folks have with beginners. In my eyes, they have achieved a
**lot** and yet they are firmly rooted to the ground.

thanks and regards,
vid || http://svaksha.com

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