[Inpycon] Volunteer needed! - Sponsorship coordinator

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 08:05:24 CEST 2010

Hello everyone,
   We're at at a situation where we need to coordinate our sponsorship
efforts. Mails have been sent and some leads are there. I'll put
whatever I have on the wiki by tonight.

   There will be different people for handling different accounts
(based on city, contacts etc.) but as far as our side is concerned we
need a single person to be in charge of the entire effort.

   The responsibilities will be
    - Keep track of various sponsorship accounts and be in touch with
the person handling the accounts.
    - Pitch in where negotiations are necessary and make calls on what
facilities are provided (while we go there with rigid 'this is what
you get for this much' kinds of proposals, there will be negotiations
and both parties will have to compromise - you get to decide how
    - You will be the single person mailed by the sponsors if they
have queries (like "do we have stalls? what size?" etc.)
    - You have to keep the sponsors happy (ie. answer their questions
and make sure they have what they need).
    - After the event is over, you need to return their stuff and
close any open threads.

   I must emphasise that no single person can do all this by himself.
The main task is to coordinate these efforts amongst other volunteers.

   Sponsorships are the oxygen on which the conference breathes and
all we have is a half empty cylinder left over from last year. This is
something extremely important and it's not an exaggeration to say that
if this is not handled properly, the conference won't take place.

   So, if there's anyone out there who wants to make their mark in
this years PyCon, now's the time to make yourself heard! Reply to this
thread (or to me personally if you prefer) and we'll set things up.



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