[Inpycon] Registration system [was] Budget estimates

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Thu Apr 22 03:08:11 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 21 Apr 2010 9:33:42 am Vivek Khurana wrote:
>  My concern with ccavenue is the transaction fees they charge. You have to
> pay a setup fee and fee per transaction. If you want lower fee per
> transaction you have to pay a higher setup fee.  Do we expect enough volume
> from online transfers to makeup for the setup fee and pay about 8% as
> transaction fee per transaction (Assuming we will go with the lowest setup
> fees).

at the lowest block - advance of 7500, the rates are 7% for credit card and 4% 
for netbanking. Since 99% of people will opt for netbanking this works out to 
8 rupees for a 200 rupee ticket and 80 rupees for a 2000 rupee ticket. 
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate

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