[Inpycon] Venue Finalization {was} PyCon 2010 - Let's get started

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 09:53:22 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:34 PM, kausikram krishnasayee
<kausikram at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I remember right, last year we had an official offer from Chennai
>> Python User Group including A/C halls etc. We must wait for their
>> reconfirmation and status of interest
> the offers got a little cold but its still doable we can warm things up
> here. we were holding back to get the society work expedited, now then thats
> taken care of we can get to the conference planning. we have one private
> college, slightly out of the way thats given an in principle yes. (there
> were some 30 students from this college at the last InPyCon). we can also go
> ahead and talk to another college which is bang in the middle of the city,
> with two AC halls and some good classroom, but talks for that have not
> started yet. (the barcamp happening this sunday is scheduled to take place
> in the venue i am talking about)
> Finally option c would be for kenneth to get hold of either anna university
> or MIT which again i persume is doable.
> if things are good we can start on this one.

Our last conference was at an educational institution. RubyconfIndia
(and the PyCon in the US) was at a hotel/auditorium. The difference
was obvious. Don't you all think it would be better to go for a
hotel/auditorium rather than an educational institution? what do you

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