[Inpycon] site ready to go live

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 15:43:05 CEST 2009

Ranganath had mailed me earlier saying that he can help you with
admining the site in Bangalore. I've CCed him here.  You guys can
coordinate amongst yourselves.

The DNS records are already updated and  in.pycon.org *does* point to
your site.

Here are the things I know that need to be done before we go live (ie.
mail David Goodger and ask him to announce it). I have put these on
bitbucket. They're not all code specific things but tasks rather that
need to be done before we go live.  I couldn't find a 'task' type so I
made it a bug.

 - It would be nice if you could take care of the /2009 detail.

 - The 3 things (Call for Sponsors, Call for Proposals and invitations
to colleges) are there on the wiki and are being edited. I'll look
over them and we can move them over to the official site.

 - RSS feeds for the pages.

 - There are some CSS hiccoughs


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