[Image-SIG] bug in version 1.1.7

Kevin Paulus kevin.paulus at skynet.be
Sun Dec 26 01:19:19 CET 2010

Hello All and Merry Christmas,

I've found a bug and verified it with several of my
Slackware fanatics: it seems that Pil 1.1.7 (python 2.6.4 )

when you do a Image.open('image').show()

ImageShow seems to call every available viewer from _viewers on your 
system which on mine and a lot of other systems means it builds a 
separate tempfile and calls xv and display with them.

It's been reported the same stuff happens on freebsd where imagemagick's 
display and xv is available, which i guess are all the available 
_viewers (did some pdb on it, but my knowledge of pdb is rudimentary at 

I'm not sure if this is a bug but the docs mentions it should start the 
default viewer (usually xv) and not viewer*s*

it's annoying to say the least.



PS: Happy New year's and i hope i didn't offend anyone or didn't follow 
the net etiquette, since the only mailing list I've ever used is the one 
which is used at work.

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