[Image-SIG] How to quickly read a Z-axis cut of a multipage TIFF images?

Joao S. O. Bueno gwidion at mpc.com.br
Mon Apr 12 19:57:39 CEST 2010

Hi Christopher -

Image these sizes are certainly not apropriate to be dealt with straight
from Python code on a pixel by pixel basis.

I once implementd a Tiff reader in C using libtiff, and it was not hard to
do - maybe you should try and move part of your processing to C , and
implement some Python itnerface that would allow you to drive everything
with simpler scripting.

(For example, you could have a libtiff C function that would create you an
Y-Z slice of your data, and return that as a 2d array to python)

I don't know the hdf5 tables or H5Py Dr. barker mentioned above, but if you
feel like purisuing the C-libtiff with python bindings line, feel free to
contact me.

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