[Image-SIG] Will 1.1.7 be true-division safe ?

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Wed May 27 10:52:46 CEST 2009


short question:  Since I usually like running Python with "python2.5
-Qnew" , I was wondering if patches were applied that substituted '/'
for '//' in some places were it appeared necessary ?

Some places I patches in my 1.1.6 version are:
PIL/GifImagePlugin.py:                if not (chr(i//3) == p[i] ==
p[i+1] == p[i+2]):
PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py:                    count = count // 2        #
adjust for rational data field
PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py:                palette = map(lambda a: chr(a
// 256), self.tag[COLORMAP])
PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py:                palette = map(lambda a: chr(a
// 256), range(256))
PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py:            #palette = map(lambda a: chr(a //
256), self.tag[COLORMAP])
PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py:    stride = len(bits) * ((im.size[0]*bits[0]+7)//8)
PIL/XVThumbImagePlugin.py:            PALETTE = PALETTE +

(These can of course be found using "python -Qwarn")

Sebastian Haase

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