[Image-SIG] Bug in Image.rotate ?

Ulf Renman ulf.renman at favoptic.com
Wed Jul 1 11:38:49 CEST 2009


Two diffrent uses of rotate:

   1. img.rotate(30, Image.BICUBIC)
   2. img.rotate(30, Image.BICUBIC, expand=True)

When I use the first one I get the expected result. But when I use the 
second one the result looks as if the filter used for the rotation was 

Is this a "feature" or a bug? I'm no expert at image handling, so please 
explain this to me. Thanks.

Ubuntu 8.10, Python 2.5.2 and PIL 1.1.6
Pasted from help(Image):
  # $Id: Image.py 2933 2006-12-03 12:08:22Z fredrik $

/Ulf Renman

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