[Image-SIG] Newbie, questions on saving PNG

Nuttall, Brandon C bnuttall at uky.edu
Thu Feb 14 23:21:54 CET 2008


I want to do some batch conversions of uncompressed, raw tif images to optimally compressed PNG images. The documentation in Python Imaging Library Overview gets me pretty far; I think the conversion is pretty straightforward:

>>> import Image
>>> infile = r'c:\images\test.txt' # this is a text file of input tif image file and path names
>>> inf = file(infile,'r')
>>> for fn in inf:
>>>     fn = fn.strip() # get rid of the \n
>>>     print fn
>>>     newfn, ft = fn.rsplit('.')
>>>     newfn = newfn + ".png"
>>>     im = Image.open(fn)
>>>     print fn
>>>     print im.format, im.size, im.mode
>>>     print "New: ",newfn,"\n"
>>>     outim = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
>>>     outim.save(newfn,"PNG") #works, but just gets a PNG encoded image
>>> inf.close()

My question is how to specify the PNG optimize parameter? The documentation for the save method says


The PNG section of the documentation says "optimize" can be specified for the save method. It appears that this is the value of a keyword argument. However, if I try im.save(outfile,format,"optimize"), the code fails with a wrong number of arguments message.

In the save method in Image.py, the keyword parameters passed get put into self.encoderinfo which is interrogated in the _save method in PngImagePlugin.py. So "optimize" is a key in a dictionary data structure, but a key to what and I'm lost at that point.


Brandon Nuttall
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