[Image-SIG] Greetings and a question on loading PSD's

Andy Baker andy at andybak.net
Thu May 6 09:03:44 EDT 2004

Hello to everyone on the list. I am fairly new to Python and am hacking
around in the code for Cornice (http://wxglade.sf.net/extra/cornice.html) as
I have despaired of finding an image viewer that does what I want.

The first thing to tackle is the Photoshop file support. The PSD plugin for
PIL seems to balk at Photoshop 4 format and above. I have played around and
discovered that it fails in the _layerinfo method. Now I don't need to read
layers so I commented out the code and returned an empty layers list
instead. The code now will happily load Photoshop images.

I assume for this to work PSD files will need Photoshop's option to save a
composite version along with the layers selected but I always leave this on

I have found documentation for the Photoshop 4 format here:


Is there any more recent documentation of the PSD format around?

Am I using my time wisely working on this? Has anyone looked at fixing PSD
support in PIL recently and do the maintainers of PIL hang out here?

I have never worked on parsing binary formats before so this is likely to be
a laborious process!


Andy Baker

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